The School for Good and Evil was originally established as a single, unified institution—a place where aspiring heroes and villains were trained together, bound by the shared belief that balance between Good and Evil was essential for the survival of all fairy tales. However, this harmony was shattered by a deep rift between the school’s founding Headmasters, two brothers whose ideologies clashed irreparably. The elder brother, steadfast and idealistic, dedicated himself to the principles of Good: selflessness, love, and heroism. The younger brother, ambitious and cunning, embraced the path of Evil, championing power, chaos, and individual gain. Their opposing visions for the future of the school led to a bitter conflict, ultimately resulting in its division into two distinct kingdoms: Ever, a realm of light, beauty, and virtue, and Never, a domain of shadows, mischief, and malevolence.
At the heart of the school, bridging these two kingdoms, lies the Headmaster’s Office, a place steeped in mystery and magic. It is here that the Storian, an ancient and sentient pen, holds its eternal vigil. This enchanted artifact is no ordinary pen—it writes the destinies of every fairy tale, etching the triumphs of Good and the schemes of Evil into the annals of history. The Storian’s purpose is not to favor one side over the other, but to ensure that the delicate balance between Good and Evil is maintained, for the stability of the fairy-tale world depends on this equilibrium. Within the Headmaster’s Office, the walls themselves seem to hum with the weight of countless stories, a reminder of the timeless struggle between the forces of light and darkness. The legacies of the two brothers linger, woven into the fabric of the school, where every new generation of students continues their eternal tale of rivalry, balance, and destiny.